+1 416-333-3717

Mon to Fri Open: 10am - 6pm


$ 2,500 + HST

Duration: 39 hours (5 weekends)

Next Batch: July 1st, 2024

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Categories DevOps
DevOps is a transformative methodology that bridges the gap between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops), aiming to enhance collaboration, efficiency, and innovation throughout the software development lifecycle. By integrating these traditionally siloed functions, DevOps fosters a culture of continuous improvement and delivery, enabling organizations to deliver high-quality software rapidly and reliably. Key Principles of DevOps:
  1. Collaboration and Communication: DevOps emphasizes strong communication and collaboration among cross-functional teams, breaking down barriers between developers, operations, and other stakeholders.
  2. Automation: Automation is a cornerstone of DevOps, reducing manual interventions and minimizing errors. Automated processes cover everything from code integration and testing to deployment and infrastructure management.
  3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): CI/CD pipelines automate the process of integrating code changes, running tests, and deploying applications. This ensures that code is always in a deployable state, facilitating frequent and reliable releases.
  4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): IaC practices allow teams to manage and provision computing infrastructure through code, enabling consistent and repeatable configurations. Tools like Terraform and Ansible are commonly used for this purpose.
  5. Monitoring and Logging: Continuous monitoring and logging of applications and infrastructure are essential for identifying issues, understanding system performance, and improving reliability. Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) are popular choices.
  6. Security: Integrating security practices into the DevOps pipeline, known as DevSecOps, ensures that security is a shared responsibility throughout the development and deployment process. This includes practices like automated security testing and compliance checks.
  7. Agile Methodology: DevOps often works hand-in-hand with Agile methodologies, promoting iterative development, continuous feedback, and adaptability to change.
Benefits of DevOps:
  • Faster Time to Market: By streamlining processes and removing bottlenecks, DevOps enables quicker release cycles and faster delivery of features and updates.
  • Improved Quality: Automated testing and continuous integration help catch defects early, improving the overall quality and reliability of software.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: DevOps fosters a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility, leading to better communication and cooperation among teams.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Automated infrastructure management and scalable practices enable organizations to adapt quickly to changing demands and technologies.
  • Reduced Costs: By improving efficiency and reducing manual interventions, DevOps can lower operational costs and increase productivity.
DevOps is not just a set of practices but a cultural shift that empowers organizations to innovate faster, respond to customer needs more effectively, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic technology landscape.
    • Bachelor’s degree or college diploma.
    • Work experience in business, information technology, logistics, engineering, finance, health care, banking, or insurance domains.
    • Good communication and writing skills.
Total Duration: 39 Hours

What will you learn?

  • What Is DevOps
  • DevOps definition
  • DevOps Main Objectives
  • DevOps and Software Development Life Cycle
  • Waterfall Model and Agile Model
  • Continuous Integration & Deployment (Jenkins)
  • Containers and Virtual Development
  • Docker
  • Configuration Management Tools
  • Ansible, Puppet and Chef?
  • Linux OS Introduction
  • Importance of Linux in DevOps
  • Linux Basic Command Utilities
  • Linux Administration
  • Environment Variables
  • Networking
  • Linux Server Installation
  • RPM and YUM Installation
  • What is Cloud? and on prime
  • Evolution of Cloud Computing
  • IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service)
  • SAAS (Software as a Service)
  • PAAS (Platform as a Service)
  • Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud
  • Public Clouds?
  • Regions and Availability Zones
  • Amazon Machine Images(AMI)
  • Working with AMIs
  • EC2 Reserved Instance Market Place
  • EC2 Instance Creation
  • Building an Instance
  • Different types of Instances
  • Security with Key pair
  • Different IPs assign to EC2 Instance
  • Elastic IP Address
  • Login access to the Instance
  • Creation of Users Accounts
  • Roles in IAM
  • Groups in IAM
  • Account Settings
  • Creating Permissions for Users
  • Deleting Permissions for Users
  • Accounting Settings
  • Creating a Custom VPC
  • Security Groups
  • Creating Identity Gate Way (IGW)
  • Connecting Instances in the Gateway/li>
  • Subnets
  • Route Tables
  • VPN Components
  • What is Elastic Load Balancing
  • How Elastic Load Balancing Works
  • Creating Load Balancer
  • Load Balancing Protocols
  • Attach & Detach Subnets
  • Attach & Detach Subnets
  • Monitoring and Logging
  • What is Auto Scaling
  • Auto Scaling Components
  • Advantages of Auto Scaling
  • Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)
  • Attach and Detach EC2 Instances in ASG
  • Monitoring Auto Scaling Instances
  • Health Checks
  • Configuring Amazon Route 53
  • Public Hosted Zones
  • Private Hosted Zones
  • Resource Record Sets
  • Managing Health Checks
  • Working with Public and Private Hosted Zones
  • Subscription to AWS
  • Introduction to the AWS Management Console
  • Why AWS Cloud
  • EC2 Essentials & Build EC2 Instances
  • Security Groups
  • Key Pairs (Public Key, Private Keys)
  • Apache Web Server and Nginx web server
  • Web Server Installation & Configuration/li>
  • Launching webserver with HTML pages
  • Apache Tomcat Server
  • Tomcat Server Installation & Configuration
  • Manual and Automated Application deployment
  • GIT
  • Differences between SVN & GIT
  • Maven Installation
  • Maven Build pre-requirements
  • Maven POM Builds (pom.xml)
  • Maven Build Life Cycle
  • Maven Local Repository (.m2)
  • Maven Global Repository
  • Group ID, Artifact ID, Snapshot
  • Maven Dependencies
  • Maven Plugins
  • Introduction to Sona-type nexus
  • Nexus Configuration
  • Configure settings.xml & pom.xml files
  • Managing Nexus Releases and Snapshots
  • Repository Maintenance
  • Nexus user management
  • Nexus roles management
  • Introduction to Ansible and difference B/W puppet and chef
  • Ansible Server Configuration
  • Infrastructure Management
  • SSH Connection in Ansible Master
  • YAML Scripts
  • Host Inventory
  • Hosts and Groups
  • Host Variables
  • Group Variables
  • Host and Group Specific Data
  • Ad-hoc Commands
  • Playbooks
  • Variables
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Blocks
  • Handlers
  • Templates
  • Modules
  • Core Modules
  • Extra Modules
  • Ansible Roles
  • How to get Docker Image?
  • What is Docker Image
  • Docker Installation
  • Working with Docker Containers
  • What is Container
  • Docker Engine
  • Crating Containers with an Image
  • Working with Images
  • Docker Command Line Interphase
  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Hub
  • Docker Trusted Registry
  • Docker swarm
  • Docker attach
  • Docker File & Commands
  • Google Instance Creation
  • Internal and External IPs
  • Virtual Private Cloud
  • Firewall Rules
  • Google Compute Engine
  • Putty Configuration
  • Simple Storage Services (S3)
  • Creating and Deleting Buckets
  • Adding Objects to Buckets
  • Deleting Objects
  • Uses of S3 storage
  • Notifications
  • Uses of S3 storage
  • EBS Volume Types
  • EBS Performances
  • Instance Store Volumes
  • Optimizing Disk Performance
  • Creating and Deleting Volumes
  • Attach and Detach Volumes
  • Mount and Un-mounting Volumes
  • Data Base Instances
  • Data Base Engine
  • Creating Data Base
  • RDS Limits
  • Working with Storage Types
  • Additional topics
  • Shell Scripting
  • DSL (Declarative Domain Specific Language)
  • Python Scripting
  • Ruby Scripting
  • Introduction
  • Variables
  • Flow Controls
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Lists
  • Manipulating Strings
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Positional Parameters
  • Introduction to Vagrant
  • Setting Up Vagrant
  • Virtual Box Installation
  • Vagrant Installation
  • Vagrant Machines
  • Vagrant File
  • Vagrant Boxes
  • Environment Management
  • Networking Basics
  • Private Network
  • Public Network
  • Network Adopters
  • Introduction to Puppet
  • Installation of Puppet Master
  • Installation of Puppet Agent
  • Configuration of Puppet Master and Agents
  • Parameters in Puppet.conf
  • Facter
  • Managing Manifests
  • Creating Manifests
  • Node Definitions
  • Managing Files
  • Puppet DSL
  • Adding Class to the Node definition
  • Variables
  • Inheritance
  • Templates (.erb)
  • Puppet Node Definition
  • Puppet Forge Modules
  • Creating and Managing Modules
  • Module Structure
  • Defining First Class
  • Creating Node Definitions
  • Installing Web Servers
  • Installing App Servers
  • Installing DB Server
  • Roles and Profiles
  • Introduction to Chef
  • Installation of Chef Master
  • Installation of Chef DK and Nodes
  • Configuration of Chef Master
  • Configuration of Chef DK and Master
  • Knife utility
  • Chef Repository
  • Workstation setup
  • How to configure knife
  • Workstation Installation
  • Connection between knife and Master
  • Organization Setup
  • Create an Organization
  • Add User & Node to an Organization
  • Node Setup
  • Create a Server & add to Organization
  • Cookbooks creation
  • Check node details using knife
  • Node Objects
  • How to add Run list to Nodes
$ 2,500